Only Rs 1,641 crore of the Rs 4,150 crore sanctioned by the government since 2014 has been spent, which is a clear testament to the inadequate constituency development funds (CDF) usage by MLAs and MLCs in the state. Consequently, according to planning department officials, up to 17,683 projects with a total budget of Rs 611 crore are still pending. 

Sources ascribed the poor execution to politicians' delays and contractors' predilection for just particular types of projects like as roads, pipelines, etc. where they can make more money, even though the government provides Rs 5 crore to each mla and MLC under CDF. "Projects valued at Rs 105 crore in 2018–19, Rs 195 crore in 2021–22, and Rs 161 crore in 2022–23 have yet to get off the ground. According to a source, there is still another Rs 11 crore from the 2014–15 fiscal year that has not been spent.

CDF works hit as MLAs, contractorsplay truant

Officials pointed the finger squarely at MLAs and MLCs, claiming that a large portion of the work could not be finished since the lawmakers submitted their recommendations only in March, at the end of the fiscal year, even though each district's in-charge minister had to accept them. A top official complained that "many fail to submit their proposals in time and do not ensure that the contractors complete the work." The work for tanks, CC roads, CCTVs, Haritha Haram, Palle Pragati-Pattana Pragati, drinking water and drainage pipes, public healthcare facilities, school buildings, tanks, and lighting can all be proposed by the elected members.

According to an official, 40% of the overall award must go towards a green campaign, and the remaining funds must be used to establish sc and st communities. "However, recommendations made by MLAs and MLCs in their proposals frequently conflict with official directives. For instance, the minister or collector cannot approve the construction of communal structures. However, giving in to pressure from local leaders, they write letters to the collectors, the official claimed. An official said that despite the government having approved thousands of crores in funding, not much progress has been done.


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