According to IT and industries Minister KT Rama Rao, telangana offers the finest prospects and ensures Ease of Doing business for investors looking to start their business there. He said that the Lulu Group has consented to make a phased investment of Rs 3,500 crore in Telangana. Rama Rao, who on wednesday opened the first Lulu Mall in the State in Kukatpally, stated that the mall was only the beginning and that the Lulu Group has committed more investments in the construction of supermarkets, malls, and food processing facilities in telangana, including fish processing facilities.
"This will not only ensure remunerative income for our farmers, but it will also provide employment opportunities to our youth," he stated. Over 250 hypermarts are run by Lulu Group in 25 different countries. With the opening of a mall in Kerala, the company—which is well-known in dubai and numerous other nations—started operating in India.
According to the Minister, the Lulu Group accepted the State of Telangana's request to invest after learning that it had the greatest "Ease of Doing Business" in the nation. "We'll make sure they have the finest experience possible in india and offer them every chance to grow. I kindly want the Lulu Group to use telangana as a springboard for national expansion," he continued.

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