A student from a government school has obtained a patent for his innovation, which may be a first for the State. In the name of his father Laxmirajam, Maripelli abhishek got the patent for his paddy filling device. Abhishek, a student at the Zilla Parishad High school in Hanumajipet, created a machine to fill gunny bags with paddy after observing his father's difficulties doing so at IKP facilities. By earning merit points at the State level exhibition held in Madikonda in Warangal, the project that earned him the first place in the district level Inspire exhibition in 2019 was promoted to the national level competition.
At the national exposition conducted at IIIT Delhi, it took third place. abhishek had taken part in the FINE programme in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and had completed a month-long robotics training course at NIT-Warangal. He was also chosen for the National Innovation Foundation's (NIF) Sakura Science Exchange programme in Japan.

On Saturday, collector Anurag jayanthi commended abhishek for getting a patent for his creation. abhishek was praised by DEO Ramesh, school principal Ch srikanth Rao, district Science Officer Pamula Devaiah, Guide Korem Venkatesham, Sarpanch Janke Vijaya, and Chairperson of the school Vidya Committee Janke Mallesham.

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