Pandit pradeep Mishra has given a big message from the podium to the people who have given up on
struggles. Besides, making a sharp comment on those who oppose Sanatan, he said that we have to stand
with those who save Sanatan. Whatever does not belong to ram is of no use. He said that there were many
sorrows in the life of ram and Krishna, but only by facing them they were able to become ram and
Krishna. The story of Pitrudev shiva Mahapuran by international storyteller Pandit pradeep Mishra was
completed in Kota on Friday.
While giving a sermon during the Pitrudev Shiv Mahapuran Katha organized in the presence of MLA
Sandeep Sharma, Pandit pradeep Mishra said that the pulpit is not a political chair, hence cannot say much,
but we can say this much that whatever is Ram's, is ours. What is God's is ours. Pandit Mishra said that
temples and pagodas were demolished and molded into other forms. Efforts were made to establish one's
power. Even then, Jagatguru Shankaracharya had established the principle of shiva by building Char
Our pledge is to protect Sanatan Dharma – Pandit pradeep Mishra
Pandit pradeep Mishra said that the demolished Shivalayas and temples are being restored today in Kalikal.
The religious flag is being hoisted again in Kalikal. The world will benefit only when we support those
who save Sanatan. You stand with the eternal protectors. If Sanatan survives, we will be able to go to
temples and Shivalayas. It is our vow to protect Sanatan Dharma. He also gave a message to the coaching
students from the podium. He said that students who come to Kota for coaching sometimes think that if the
test is not good then life has become useless. parents send them here with capital, but capital is not
important, life is important.
What did you say to the coaching student?
He said, A small exam is not necessary. Mahadev teaches us to move forward in the struggle. Whenever
you get emotional, think about it by keeping shiva in your heart. Pandit pradeep Mishra said that in a
horse race, the horse does not know that he is going through an exam. He is sitting in a horse, he just has to
run. The owner of the horse whips him. The owner hurts him, so he runs faster and faster. While running,
he finally overtakes everyone. When you are born on earth, you But if you suffer, understand that God
wants to take you forward.