The Narmetta mandal's circle inspector and sub-inspector were suspended for allegedly "favoring" land speculators by filing bogus charges against those who sought resolution of a land dispute with the police in the Jangaon area. On Saturday, CI nagababu and SI Anil received suspension orders from police Commissioner A.V. Ranganath.

When the victims, who had owned the disputed land for 30 years, went to the Narmetta police to ask for protection for their property from land speculators. However, the CI and SI of the police station attempted to favor the land speculators rather than the victims by filing a fictitious case against them. The CP formed a special team including DCP and ACP-level officers to look into the situation in response to a complaint from the victims. According to the investigation, the CI and SI encouraged land grabbing and harassed the victims.

In this instance, the victims had owned the property for the previous 30 years. However, it is claimed that under the pretense that it was merely listed on the government's property record website, the dharani portal, the police officers assisted land speculators in occupying it. According to a memorandum issued by the police commissionerate, the local CI and SI assisted the land-grabbing parties and brought false charges against the victims.

The victims then reported to police Commissioner Ranganath, who ordered a field inquiry to be conducted under the direction of Jangaon DCP. The inquiry determined that the local CI and SI had supported the land grabbers and harassed the victims based on the testimonies of the local populace.

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