On friday, october 6, a lady was reportedly murdered by her husband at Vanasthalipuram's Vijayapuri Colony Phase-1. The Shathavahana nagar couple, Shalini, 32, and bala Kotaiah, have two kids. The couple constantly quarreled and battled about insignificant topics, which hurt their relationship. bala Kotaiah followed shalini on her scooter as she traveled to her sister's home on friday night. He pulled up next to her car and started arguing with her.

As the altercation progressed, Kotaiah knocked her to the ground, grabbed a boulder, and struck her in the head, leaving her with severe gushing wounds. shalini died there, despite the villagers of Vanasthalipuram's best efforts to halt the killing and capture Kotaiah. Vanasthalipuram police arrived on the scene and started an inquiry after getting information. To find the evading suspect, the police are looking through CCTV video of the neighborhood.

According to the police, shalini was employed by a commercial company. She was riding her scooter back home on friday night when the accused, who was on another bike, stopped her. According to ACP Vanasthalipuram S bheem Reddy, he approached her as she lay on the road, grabbed a rock from the side, and assaulted her, murdering her there and then. Locals alerted police, who arrived quickly and moved her body for a postmortem examination while conducting a search for the suspect who had fled.

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