AP minister Ambati Rambabu satirized the alliance of tdp and Janasena. He criticized pawan kalyan for setting up the party to carry Chandrababu's throne. ap minister Ambati Rambabu satirized the alliance of tdp and Jana Sena by saying that zero... zero meets zero. The coordination committee meeting of tdp and Jana Sena was held in rajahmundry on Monday. After this meeting, pawan kalyan and lokesh explained the decisions to the media. They announced that they will fight against anarchy against YCP. minister Ambati Rambabu countered the comments of pawan kalyan and Lokesh. minister Ambati Rambabu spoke to the media in tadepalli on monday night. He reminded the fact that pawan kalyan had supported tdp in 2014. He asked whether pawan kalyan has a policy. That is why pawan kalyan is called package star. He asked if pawan kalyan has any agenda other than shouldering TDP. He criticized that pawan kalyan organized a meeting in rajahmundry today to give morale to Chandrababu. pawan kalyan has no understanding about the systems. Ambati Rambabu said that the CID officials arrested Chandrababu because they had all the evidence in the ap Skill Development case. He said that it is ironic to say that Chandrababu was illegally arrested.
Ambati Rambabu said that lokesh said that amit shah called him. kishan reddy said that he met amit shah only if lokesh repeatedly requested him. Ambati Rambabu complained that they have always said that tdp and janasena will contest. Ambati asked why pawan kalyan is not questioning about the irregularities that happened during Chandrababu's tenure as CM. He stated that telugu Desam is the bane of telugu states. He said that tdp will be given its last rites in the next elections.