On monday, the Musheerabad police filed a complaint against a cracker producer for allegedly using paper with "Quranic verses" written on it to make crackers, thus offending the community's religious sensitivities. Mohammed Amjedullah Khan Khalid, a Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT) spokesman, went up to the Musheerabad police late on monday night and said that some crackers had written Quranic verses on them.

Amjedullah said that a local seller selling crackers with papers bearing passages from the Quran was operating a stand in front of Musheerabad's Ek Minar Masjid. He requested that the local vendor and the Sivakasi, tamil Nadu-based cracker producer face severe consequences for their offence to the community's religious beliefs.

Together with the MBT commander, the local populace assembled in front of Musheerabad police station and organised a protest. Inspector E. Jahangeer Yadav of the Musheerabad police station stated, "We have filed a case and retrieved the cracker samples from the adjacent shop."

It is alleged that local cracker seller who is running a shop in front of Ek Minar Masjid at Musheerabad has been selling crackers wrapped with few Quranic verses. The Musheerabad police on monday booked a case against a cracker manufacturer for allegedly insulting religious sentiments of a community by allegedly using paper on which ‘Quranic verses’ were printed

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