Accordingly supreme court lawyer, jai Anant Dehadrai, who previously made bribery complaints against trinamool congress mp Mahua Moitra, now accused her of trespassing and intimidating his staff. Dehadrai made a formal complaint against Mahua to the Station house Officer (SHO) at Hauz Khas. In his complaint, he accused her of unauthorised entry and intimidation of his staff members, reported IANS. In his letter to the SHO on Tuesday, Dehadrai stated that Moitra, Member of parliament (Krishnanagar), came unannounced to his residence at Neeti Bagh, on november 5 at around 11 AM and on november 6 at around 9 am. As per the complaint, Mahua arrived at Dehadrai’s residence in a White Range Rover that carried an odisha number plate- while on the second day, she came in a White Innova Crysta belonging to Shri vivek Gupta.

“Given her history of filing fraudulent criminal complaints against me (24.03.2023 and 23.09.2023) and falsely alleging offences such as trespass, and criminal intimidation, and thereafter withdrawing the same in writing (on 04.10.2023), it is a grave cause for concern to me,” Dehrdai stated in his complaint. “There is every possibility that Moitra might intentionally come to my residential premises with the sole objective of filing further fraudulent complaints against me. I have previously informed the Commissioner of Police, Delhi, on 19.10.2023 and then on 21.10.2023, regarding these fraudulent and bogus complaints which Moitra had foisted on me to use them as leverage to force/compel me to handover the custody of my pet dog,” he further stated. The senior lawyer also alleged that Mahua posed a serious threat to his life and asked why she arrived at his residences when the TMC mp claimed she had an acrimonious past with him.

“Thus, seen in this context, her arriving at my residential premises is a grave cause for concern as it intimidates my staff and also raises an important question as to why someone who claims an acrimonious past with me would deliberately arrive at my residence that too, consecutively and two days in a row,” he penned in his complaint. Dehadrai also alleged that he believes Moitra and her close associate from odisha are conspiring to cause physical harm to him as revenge for filing criminal Complaints alleging corruption against them.

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