Union minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the properties of temples in tamil Nadu are being stolen and it is not known to whom the stolen properties are going. Union Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurated a photo exhibition on "South tamilnadu Gudaivara Temples" at Thiagarajar College, madurai on the occasion of World heritage Week. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Union Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, "I was saddened that there was no opportunity to tell the people about the tradition of tamil Nadu. politics comes in when you tell the people about the tradition of tamil Nadu. There are many controversies as to whether the tradition is this or that. In a democratic country, controversies can arise and everyone can talk about everything.

Our forefathers have beautifully carved the heritage of tamil Nadu on the rocks. As the minister is coming, traditional places are beaten white. No one knows the story behind the white beating. There are connections with tamil literature and Kudaivara temples. There is a connection between the inscriptions in Kudaivara temples and the tamil language, spirituality and literature.

Our root is tamil heritage. We must protect it. students can become anything from doctors to engineers. But we should know and protect our tamil traditions. Property is being stolen from every temple in tamil Nadu and it is not known to whom the stolen property is going. Our properties are taken abroad and displayed there as how Hindus have built temples,” he said.

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