Ram Rahim, lodged in Haryana's Sunaria Jail, will reportedly stay at his ashram in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat for 21 days after being granted parole. Dera Sacha Sauda leader Gurmeet ram Rahim Singh, serving sentence in the rape case that rocked the country, has been allowed to come out of jail again. Parole has been granted for 21 days this time.
Earlier in february he was allowed to leave for three weeks and now he is back on parole. Parole refers to the temporary or complete release of a prisoner for some special purpose. A furlough is the short-term temporary release of criminals from prison on a promise of good behavior. Rape Convict ram Rahim Again Gets Permission To Leave Jail For 21 Days. ram Rahim, lodged in Haryana's Sunaria Jail, will reportedly stay at his ashram in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat for 21 days after being granted parole.
Controversy arose when ram Rahim was granted parole for 40 days in January. Then haryana Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar said it was ram Rahim Singh's right to be paroled following due process. The controversy is reminiscent of the cake being cut with a sword during the birthday celebration of ram Rahim, who was on parole at the time.