Prime minister Narendra Modi on monday once again slammed the telangana chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao over his “superstitious beliefs”. “Telangana is identified with tradition and technology, but kcr has branded it as superstitious,” the prime minister said. Addressing a rally in Telangana’s Mahabubabad, PM Modi further said, “KCR has been leaving no stone unturned to destroy Telangana. telangana doesn’t need this farmhouse CM. This farmhouse cm will lose on december 3 (election results day).” On sunday too, while addressing a rally at Toopran in the medak district, the prime minister alleged the kcr ruled from his farm house for 10 years.

“Does telangana need a cm who does not meet people? Why does telangana need this farmhouse CM? For 10 years he ruled from his farm house, and farmers will send kcr permanently to his farmhouse now,” PM Modi had said. The prime minister further attacked kcr for his “habit of breaking promises”, alleging that the cm has failed to keep many of his promises.

“KCR broke his promise of making a Dalit the chief minister. He broke his promise of providing jobs to youth. He promised water to farmers and broke that too. He promised schemes, but only gave scams. He also promised to work for your children, but has only worked for his own family and children. He has increased his wealth every year,” Modi alleged.

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