The fate of the candidates and parties in madhya pradesh has been decided in the ballot boxes and the ballot

boxes are safe within the walls of the strong room. Now no party or candidate can do anything until the results

come. However, desperate to come back to power, congress is in no mood to take any risk. She is also calling

her candidates to bhopal and giving them training and is also raising noise about any possibility of voting


congress complained about Balaghat Collector

In this series, congress on monday submitted a memorandum to the Chief Electoral Officer of Madhya Pradesh

demanding action against the district Magistrate of Balaghat for allegedly taking out postal ballots from the

strong room and making irregularities. assembly elections were held in madhya pradesh on november 17 and

counting of votes will take place on december 3.

What does the Chief Electoral Officer have to say?

Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan has denied the allegations and said that local congress leaders have

expressed satisfaction with the process. Rajan told PTI, “These service votes (postal ballots) were taken out from

the strong room and separated assembly wise in the presence of authorized agents of congress and Bharatiya

Janata Party. They have been kept in the respective boxes. congress Vice President JP Dhanopia has alleged in

the memorandum that the postal ballots were taken out from the Treasury Room and the employees moved

them here and there as per their wish. He demanded that therefore Balaghat district Magistrate Girish Chandra

Mishra and other personnel associated with the election process should be suspended. Mishra said in a statement

that the strong room located in the local tehsil office was opened in the presence of authorized election agents of

political parties to separate the postal ballots.

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