Infosys Founder N.R. on government Guarantees Talking about Narayan Murthy's statement, minister priyanka Kharge said that since the last 10 years in our country, the rich have become richer and the poor have remained poor. Speaking at the Bangalore Tech Summit, Infosys founder narayana murthy said, 'I am definitely not against the services and subsidies provided by the government. But those who get it for free should work and give back to society. Then the free gifts will make sense', he said about the government's guarantees. After Narayan Murthy's statement, Rural Development minister priyanka Kharge should see how far people have gone below the poverty line in the last decade. They responded that the rich are getting richer and the poor are staying poorer.

Speaking to the media, minister Priyank Kharge said that capitalists in the country should maintain corporate social responsibility and Narayan Murthy expressed his opinion. How many people do that? There are plenty of capitalists in our country. How many companies maintain corporate Social Responsibility? It is my personal opinion that not everyone thinks with a broad mind.

It should be seen how far people have gone below the poverty line in our country in the last decade. The rich are getting richer.. the poor are staying poor. narayana murthy expressed his personal opinion. He has done a lot of work through the Infosys Foundation and is still doing it. They said that what service you are providing should also be civic responsibility. He said that if you say citizen right, you should also say citizen duty. priyanka Kharge told that it means that we have to give incentives in government schemes.

The purpose of starting the midday hot meal was to make more children come to school. More children started coming to school in rural areas. Scholarships are an educational aid. Based on the study itself comes the concept of Universal Basic Income. Guarantees save a lot of money for families. 8,000 to 10,000 per month. Money is saving a family. He said that a family would save 1 lakh, 20 thousand per year.

Now they give nutritious food to children from people's money savings. Tuition is paid so that the children can study well. It helps to make purchases. It all comes back. We are experimenting with the Universal Basic in Co. Concept Guarantee. There is a problem with our government and there is a lack of publicity. minister priyanka Kharge said that one year cycle should be seen to see how effectively our guarantees have worked.

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