According to sources Uttar Pradesh chief minister yogi Adityanath campaigned in favor of Balaknath during the rajasthan assembly election campaign. With BJP's chances of winning in rajasthan looking bright, it is said that another 'Yogi' may emerge as the chief minister of the state. baba Balaknath, a spiritual leader and Alwar mp known as yogi of rajasthan, is the frontrunner in the race to become the next chief minister of Rajasthan.

Meanwhile Balakhnath is leading by a huge margin against Congress's imran khan in Tijara constituency. In this case, he said that the party leadership will decide who will be the chief minister of bjp in Rajasthan. "Our prime minister is the face of the BJP. We will continue to work under his leadership. The party will also decide who will be the Chief Minister. I am happy to be an MP. I want to serve the society. That is what gives me great satisfaction," he said.


Bridging South! RSS to connect southern states New project! BJPs Gain In rajasthan Could Lead To Rise Of Another 'Yogi'.

The bjp is yet to name its chief ministerial candidate for the ashok Khelat-led Congress-led state of Rajasthan. If Balaknath becomes chief minister, he will be another 'Yogi' to get the first post after yogi Adityanath.

Uttar Pradesh chief minister yogi Adityanath campaigned in favor of Balaknath during the rajasthan assembly election campaign. He expressed hope that baba Balaknath's victory would brighten the future of Tijara constituency. Balaknath, like yogi Adityanath, belonged to the Nath community. Balaknath, 40, went to a shiva temple and offered prayers just before the counting of votes began. Earlier, during the campaign, baba Balaknath compared his contest against imran khan to an India-Pakistan rivalry.

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