Annamalai has criticized tamil Nadu ministers for conducting photo shoots as if they were carrying out flood relief work here and there. annamalai said that the floodwaters in chennai and its suburbs affected by Cyclone Mikjam have not receded and the suffering of the public has not ended. He also criticized the tamil Nadu ministers for conducting photo shoots as if they were carrying out flood relief work here and there.


Chennai city came to a standstill due to the ferocity of Cyclone Mikjam and its long streets were waterlogged. All the residences of the tamil people turned into pools of water. The people of tamil Nadu suffered without guarantee of life, property and food. tamil Nadu has never seen the speed with which the central government sent the Honorable Union Defense minister Mr. rajnath singh to visit within 24 hours to plan the relief work while the State government was stunned at what to do.

Even though the tamil Nadu government was informed that there is going to be heavy rain, no safety precautions were taken, it did not understand anything, did not know what to do, and became inactive. After experiencing the effects of 2015 floods and 2016 Cyclone Varda, the tamil Nadu government failed to learn the lessons from the Migjam storm. Rainwater flooded, electricity was cut off and cell phone communication was cut off. chennai as a whole was submerged in water, apartment dwellers were suffering because they couldn't get water to the overhead tank, people were crying because the rain water was overflowing.

The poor functioning of the tamil Nadu government administration without any fixed action plans was paralyzing normal life, business, industry, school, college and office processes. IT was affected. Cell phones were cut off, Wi-Fi connection was not available, how safe chennai city must have been as a Global Capability Center known as GCC, where high-tech multinational companies run data, information technology, financial management, human resources.

How much vigilance should the tamil Nadu government have to wait before coming? How can GCC - Global Capability Center companies come forward to set up their companies in GCC - Greater chennai Corporation, trusting the government to carry out even rain water drainage projects properly?

On 25-06-2015 an amount of Rs.4,397 crores was provided to the government of tamil Nadu for the maintenance of rain water drainage and flood water drainage under Atal Mission (AMRUT), a scheme developed for the rehabilitation of urban areas. If the state government had properly spent this fund provided by the central government, solutions could have been found for the sufferings of the people. But people had to fly to Aalai for milk at a price of fifty rupees per cover. I had to pay for drinking water at the cost of 75 to 100 rupees per can. A life struggle had to be waged for food.

Chennai's population of 426 square kilometers was 78 lakh 12 years ago. But today approximately 1 crore 20 lakh people live in Chennai. Even though there are so many rulers like 200 ward members, 16 legislators, 3 members of parliament, many state ministers and a chief minister to work for them, the rulers did not take steps to save the people.

The bitter truth is that the rulers do not have the patience to listen to the sufferings of the people, as all the ministers and legislators including the chief minister go to a particular place and take photos and walk away.

We distributed relief materials to the public along with district state officials of tamil Nadu bharatiya janata party to the flood affected people in many parts of Chennai.

Heartbroken, no action was taken to walk down the water and meet the flood-affected people, listen to their grievances and understand their feelings. When the people were starving for milk, medicine and food, the government was stunned and unable to do anything.

But the government officials worked well even in still water. The public works officials who repaired the sluices of the lake in the torrential rain, the employees who removed the fallen trees and ensured safety and traffic, the municipal corporation employees who drowned in the stagnant sewage and tried to repair the rain stream, the power department employees who worked to repair the power connection through the rain water, even though the roads were flooded. The transport staff who directed the traffic and the CRPF who fought bravely to save the people trapped in the flood.

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