There are still more than five months left for lok sabha election 2024, but the political temperature already
seems to be rising. Political statements are common in elections, but Samajwadi party mp Dr st Hasan has made
very serious allegations against the election officials. He said that the Booth Level Officer (BLO) has been
seriously accused of removing the names of a particular community from the voter list.
Question on checking voter list
Preparations are being made by the election commission for the upcoming 2024 lok sabha elections, under
which the voter list is being scrutinized on the special instructions of the election commission and work is being
done to increase new voters, SP mp from Moradabad. Dr. st Hasan said that the voter list is being revised by the
Election Commission, voter identity cards are being made for those who are going to turn 18 on january 1, 2024.
Allegation of removal from voter list
He said that it has come to his notice that in our tehsil Moradabad, where computers are installed, people from a
particular party go there and get the names of people who are 80 years old or any woman who is 40 years old
deleted. While their names are uploaded on the election commission portal, their names are still being deleted.
Citing that the photo is not correct
It is being said that votes are being deducted because someone's photo is not correct, but even if the photo is
correct, this work is going on. At the same time, votes are canceled without the report of BLO. It has also come to
notice that the BLO has written to delete the names of voters of a particular community. BLO should also be
investigated, due to this our clerical staff is feeling helpless.