After the increase in the price of onion, the price of garlic also followed the same path. The increase in the price of vegetables and food grains has a direct impact on the pockets of the common man. The prices of vegetables and grocery items have been increasing one after the other for the past few months. 100 per kg onion in the month of November. It brought tears to the eyes of customers by reaching out. This month there has been a huge increase in the price of garlic, which is Rs 300-400 per kg. reached Now in many states the price of togari sorghum is increasing and in the last one year it has increased by Rs 40 per kg. has increased. The price of chickpeas and pulses is also on the rise, and in the last year it has increased by Rs 10 per kg. Statistics provided by the Department of Consumer Affairs have made it clear that there has been an increase. Although the government has taken many measures to ensure no disruption in domestic market supply, including ban on onion export, there is a continuous increase in the prices of vegetables and grains. Also, rising food inflation is a cause for concern.

Consumer Price Index rose to 5.55 in november due to increase in prices of vegetables, fruits, grains and sugar. Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation hit a three-month high in November. cpi inflation was at its lowest level in the previous three months. Consumer food price inflation in october It was 6.61. In november it was per cent. It was 8.7. According to information provided by various government departments, there was an increase in industrial activities in November. The benefits of the reduction in inflation in recent months and the increase in GDP growth have not reached everyone. This is due to decrease in purchasing power. cpi inflation in november is not the only cause for concern, with rural markets reporting higher inflation than urban areas.

Inflation is no longer uniform across countries. Inflation in delhi is very low at only 3.1%. In the same Odisha, it is twice as much as 7.65 percent. It is 3.56% in Chhattisgarh, 7% in rajasthan and 6.8% in Haryana. Among the other 22 major states, Gujarat, Bihar, Karnataka, Telangana, Haryana, rajasthan and punjab saw inflation above the RBI's set limit of 6 percent.

Inflation of grains has been in double digits for the past one year. Although the government has taken many measures to stabilize the prices of wheat and rice through the open market sale scheme, control has not been possible. The price of rice is increasing due to lack of good harvest. The same story applies to wheat prices. This time the supply of garlic from maharashtra is reduced as the garlic crop is not good due to weather extremes. garlic is grown extensively in Nashik and Pune. However, this time the crop did not grow well due to extreme weather conditions. This has led to a huge rise in the price of garlic.

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