According to sources it was stated that the madras high court on friday sentenced IPS officer G sampath kumar to 15 days’ imprisonment in a contempt of court case filed by former indian cricket team captain MS Dhoni. Meanwhile a division bench comprising Justices S S Sundar and Sunder Mohan, however, suspended the operation of the sentence for 30 days to enable sampath kumar to prefer an appeal against the sentence.
Furthermore the ace cricketer had filed the contempt of court case against the IPS officer for having allegedly made contumacious remarks against the supreme court and the High Court. Also a division bench comprising Justices S S Sundar and Sunder Mohan, however, suspended the operation of the sentence for 30 days to enable sampath kumar to prefer an appeal against the sentence.
Moreover dhoni sought to punish sampath kumar for the remarks made by him against the judiciary in his counter affidavit filed in response to a defamation suit, seeking Rs 100 crore in damages, filed in 2014 for having named him in the indian Premier League (IPL) betting scam. Apparently the ace cricketer had filed the contempt of court case against the IPS officer for having allegedly made contumacious remarks against the supreme court and the High Court.