delhi lg VK Saxena has given permission for investigation against 11 persons, including accused agents and

others, in cases of obtaining passports and travel documents on the basis of false and forged documents. He has

approved this under the provisions of the Passport Act 1967. police have been given permission to prosecute each

accused on the basis of the cases registered against them. lg has approved prosecution against 69 persons since

april 2023. 46 FIRs are registered against these people.

In april, lg had approved investigation against 40

The home Department of delhi had sought approval from the lg for prosecution under Section 15 of the Act. The

Lieutenant governor expressed concern that agents, who are co-accused in cases and often ringleaders of travel

rackets that dupe innocent people, remain unaccounted for. While looking into these 6 cases, the Lieutenant

governor was told that no trace of the 8 agents involved has been found yet. Earlier, the Lieutenant governor had

approved prosecution in 40 FIRs received by him between april and november 2023.

lg expressed displeasure over late presentation of the case

In the existing 6 cases, separate FIRs were registered by delhi police between 2007 and 2019. The Lieutenant

governor expressed displeasure over the delay and drew attention to a case in which an FIR was registered on

May 12, 2007 and the file of which was presented for his consideration on november 30, 2023, after a lapse of

more than 16 years. He said that to avoid undue delay in such cases, instructions had already been issued which

were not being followed by delhi police and delhi home Department, and there was inordinate delay in

presenting the cases for sanction for prosecution.

Approval for prosecution against 6 agents also

Let us tell you that before these cases, the Lieutenant governor has given approval to prosecute 40 FIRs related to

52 passengers from april 1, 2023 to november 30, 2023. These are people whose documents were found to be

false and forged. Apart from the 52 passengers, sanction for prosecution has been given against 6 agents. It has

been revealed that no information has been received about 17 agents.

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