A case of major lapse in security of the chief minister has come to light in the recently organized Sikh Youth

Conference in rudrapur district of Udham Singh nagar, Uttarakhand. cm Dhami also came to appear in this

program. Here the Chief Minister's helicopter was landed at a distance from the helipad. It was told that even

before reaching the helipad, the wheel of the helicopter had sunk into the ground. On which the pilot, showing

wisdom, informed the security personnel. On which the chief minister was brought down by helicopter. The

people standing there also made a video of it.

Attended Sikh youth Conference

The helicopter of chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, who had recently come to attend the Sikh Youth

Conference in rudrapur, Uttarakhand, had landed a short distance away from the 'centre' built on a temporary

helipad in police Lines. Manjunath TC, Senior Superintendent of police, Udham Singh nagar district, said that

after the chief minister alighted from the helicopter and proceeded towards the venue, the pilot asked the

security guards standing there to push him back five meters towards the centre.

Security personnel pushed the helicopter

Manjunath TC told that while landing, the helicopter had landed a little before the center. The police officer said

that after the chief minister left for the venue, the pilot asked the personnel present there to push the helicopter

five meters back towards the center for the next flight. Manjunath said it was a minor incident which was being

blown out of proportion in the media. There were reports in a section of the media on wednesday that the wheels

of the helicopter carrying Dhami had got stuck in the ground on the helipad and the next flight was about to take

off. They had to be cleaned to prepare for it. The Senior Superintendent of police has termed these reports as


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