Today, on the call of Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives Association of india, an all India

organization of drug representatives, more than 1.25 lakh drug and sales representatives across the country went

on a one-day strike with their 8-point demand letter. Union Treasurer amit Ghatia said that all the

pharmaceutical representatives of Kota were also on strike. Under the leadership of State President Rakesh

Galav, hundreds of pharmaceutical representatives of Kota took out a huge vehicle rally from the Union Office

Maruti Colony Nayapura to the district Collector’s office and a memorandum was given to the Prime Minister

through the district Collector.

Demand to remove restrictions imposed in government hospital

After reaching the Collectorate, the rally turned into a meeting which was addressed by State President Rakesh

Galav. Rakesh Galav told that Medical and Sales Representatives from all over india were on a one-day strike

regarding their 8-point demand letter. Under the strike, all types of sales promotion work were completely

boycotted. Galav also demanded the central government to keep the Sales Promotion Act 1976 intact, make

statutory work rules for sales promotion employees, remove all restrictions on entry into government hospitals

and ensure their right to work.

Demand to remove GST

Galav also reiterated the demand from the central government to reduce the prices of medicines and medical

equipment and remove the GST applicable on them. Galav warned the pharmaceutical company employers not to

interfere in privacy under the guise of mobile reporting, to protect data confidentiality and to stop exploitation

and harassment of pharmaceutical representatives in the name of targets. Addressing the gathering, Dr. Amit

Vyas, President of Kota indian Medical Association, expressed IMA's full support to the strike of drug

representatives and stressed on the broad unity of doctors, drug representatives, wholesale and retail drug dealers

and called for a comprehensive organized strike. It was suggested to create a platform so that the struggle could

be intensified.

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