chief minister Manohar Lal on thursday took strict cognizance of the deteriorating cleanliness system in Gurugram, the cyber city adjacent to Delhi, for almost three months. Roaming around the city, the chief minister saw the cleanliness system and expressed his displeasure with the officials. The chief minister has given instructions to deduct 15 days' salary of the Commissioner of Gurugram Municipal Corporation and one month's salary of the Joint Commissioner. Fine has also been imposed on the supervisor and joint commissioner of the sanitation workers.

chief minister Manohar Lal was seen in action in Gurugram on Thursday. He was also seen riding a bike on the streets of Gurugram. This domineering style of the chief minister was much talked about. He reached different areas to take stock of the cleanliness system. However, since the morning after the information about his arrival in Gurugram, the Municipal Corporation was getting garbage and filth removed from various places in the city. When the chief minister visited the city along with officials of the district Administration, Municipal Corporation and GMDA, they were unhappy with the cleanliness system. He directed on the spot that 15 days' salary of Gurugram Municipal Corporation Commissioner PC meena should be deducted. Instructions were given to deduct one month's salary of the Joint Commissioner. Also ordered that the cleanliness system of the city should be improved within a week.

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