Politics in punjab has heated up due to the statement of the country's Vice President jagdeep Singh Dhankhar. The Vice President's statement has been opposed by the Aam Aadmi Party. In fact, Vice President of Panjab university, jagdeep dhankhar said that haryana also has a share in PU. He will talk to punjab Chief minister Bhagwant Mann regarding this, so that affiliation can be given to the colleges of Haryana. AAP spokesperson Malvinder Kang expressed opposition to the Vice President's statement and said that being the Vice President, he should not talk like a bjp leader.

‘Punjab bjp on target of AAP’

AAP spokesperson Malvinder Kang has cornered punjab bjp over the statement of Vice President jagdeep Singh Dhankhar. He said that the Vice President's statement is going to advance the agenda of BJP. He asked whether now punjab bjp will stage a dharna outside the house of Vice President jagdeep Singh Dhankhar regarding this matter. Malvinder Kang said that punjab university is the premier institution of Punjab. There is no question that any other state should be given a share in this.

Controversy started with haryana CM Khattar's statement

Let us tell you that a few months ago, a meeting was organized by punjab Governor banwarilal purohit in Panjab university regarding the shares of punjab and Haryana. In which haryana Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar had also demanded affiliation of colleges of haryana to PU. It was said from their side that haryana also had a share in PU under the punjab Reorganization Act-1966, but this share was abolished in 1973.

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