Maharashtra Agriculture minister Dhananjay Munde has become Corona positive. He has given this information on social media. He said that after the nagpur session ended, his health started deteriorating. After checking with the doctor, it was found out that Covid had happened once again. Doctors have advised quarantine at home for four days. There is not much problem at present. I will recover soon and return among you.
Three corona positive in Beed district
On the other hand, three people have been found infected with corona virus in Beed district of Maharashtra. The district administration has appealed to the people not to panic and the district health Department has advised people to take necessary precautions related to Covid-19. The official said that the infection was confirmed in three people on Sunday.
Five patients of new variant of Corona JN.1 found in Thane
Five patients of the new variant of Corona have been found in thane Municipal Corporation area. These include four men and one woman. Since the condition of all five people is stable, they have been kept in home isolation. Now the number of patients of the new variant in thane has increased to six. Due to the increasing number of patients, the system of thane Municipal Corporation is also on alert mode and the administration has made it clear that now the investigation will be increased. Along with the state, the number of patients of the new variant is increasing in mumbai and thane cities too and due to this the government system has been activated. Initially a 19-year-old girl was admitted to Kalwa Hospital of thane Municipal Corporation. After this, five more patients were added on Sunday. All of them had their corona test done when they had fever. After his samples were sent to a laboratory in Pune, it was found that he was positive with the new variant of Corona. However, according to the Municipal Corporation administration, as their condition is stable, everyone has been kept in home isolation.