An e-mail was sent to the DGP's office and there was a stir due to the bomb threat sent to 30 places including marina beach in Chennai. Bomb Threats in 30 places in Chennai. A mysterious person has sent an email to the DGP office saying that he has explosives in 30 places including Besant nagar Elliots beach in Chennai. Thirty locations in chennai received bomb threats; police responded with sniffer dogs. Shocked by this, the police, now bomb disposal experts with the help of sniffer dogs rushed to the Besant nagar beach. An informed public is in a state of panic.

Thirty locations in chennai received bomb threats; police responded with sniffer dogs.  A mysterious person has sent an email to the DGP office saying that he has explosives in 30 places including Besant nagar Elliots beach in Chennai. There was a stir when an email was received from a mysterious person to the DGP office saying that bombs would explode in 30 places including Besant nagar and Elliots beach in Chennai. It is said that this is probably a false threat. An informed public is in a state of panic.

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