Reportedly three weeks have passed since the return of bharatiya janata party (BJP) to power in Madhya Pradesh, but it has not yet been decided which minister will take charge of which department. The party first delayed the announcement of the name of the chief minister and then took a long time in the selection of ministers. Now the struggle is going on for the distribution of portfolios of ministers, due to which the question is being raised whether because of the presence of big name ministers in Dr. Mohan Yadav's cabinet, the party is facing difficulty in giving ministries as per their stature?

Meanwhile party insiders said that many big leaders are demanding high profile ministries for their supporting ministers from cm Dr. Mohan Yadav and the bjp organization. In fact, after the cabinet expansion, the ministries have not been divided yet, the reason for this is the departments like Home, Transport, Urban Administration and Excise, which are considered high profile. Big leaders are making efforts regarding these departments. This time, many prominent leaders of bjp have contested and won the assembly elections, so the problems of bjp have increased further. Meanwhile, the bjp organization is also facing difficulty in deciding the ministry for its senior leaders Kailash Vijayvargiya, Prahlad Singh patel and rakesh singh as per their stature.

bjp can also try many methods to deal with this problem. Many leaders supporting jyotiraditya scindia were made ministers in the Shivraj government formed after the coup in 2020. In the by-election, Imarti Devi, who was a minister in the pro-Scindia kamal nath government, had lost the election, after which she was adjusted in the corporation board. In such a situation, many leaders can also be adjusted under this formula. Many pro-Scindia leaders have got a place in the cabinet this time too. He is also expected to get a high profile ministry.

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