As Captain Vijayakanth passed away at the age of 71, various political leaders and screen celebrities have been continuously coming to pay their condolences and last respects to Captain Vijayakanth. In this situation today at around 12.30 pm Union minister Mrs. It has been reported that nirmala sitharaman will pay her last respects to Captain Vijayakanth in person. It is known to all that the DMUDI leader and former actor's union president Captain Vijayakanth had been suffering from health problems for a few years and was undergoing treatment.
A few weeks after this his health became very bad, after which he returned home after receiving treatment and it is well known that he participated in a public meeting a few days ago. In this case, there were reports that his health has deteriorated again and he has been confirmed to be infected with corona virus.
Due to this situation, he died yesterday on december 28 at around 6.15 am due to pneumonia. While his body was initially kept in the Demudika office, now his remains are kept in the island for public tribute. Many political leaders and the film industry have come in person to pay their respects and last respects to Captain Vijayakanth. In this situation today 29.12.2023 friday afternoon at around 12.30 pm Union Finance minister Mrs. nirmala sitharaman and the late DMD leader Mr. Official information has come out that Vijayakanth is going to visit the island to pay his last respects.