As per report annamalai thanked prime minister Narendra Modi for raising the minimum reference price for copra coconut. On behalf of the tamil Nadu bjp, state president annamalai thanked prime minister Modi for announcing an increase in the minimum reference price for copra coconut to benefit the farmers. In a post published by tamil Nadu bjp President annamalai, "In the last 9 years, the minimum reference price for copra coconut has been increased by 113% for broken copra and 118% for whole copra, which shows the efforts made by our honorable prime minister Modi to double the income of the hard working farmers.

Reportedly coconut farmers in tamil Nadu will be greatly benefited by today's announcement that the minimum source price for 2024 has been increased to Rs.300 per quintal for broken copra and Rs.250 per quintal for whole copra as compared to 2023. On behalf of the tamil Nadu bjp, we thank prime minister Modi for announcing an increase in the minimum reference price for copra coconut so that the farmers can benefit. "We request tamil Nadu chief minister M. K. stalin to fulfill DMK's election promise number 66 and to take steps to increase the purchase of copra coconut in tamil Nadu," he said.

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