On the voluntary retirement of former director General of police Umesh Mishra, who was in the news in rajasthan, at a function organized at the police Headquarters on Monday, police officers and soldiers bid him farewell by pulling his car with ropes, performing traditional rituals. Meanwhile, director General UR Sahu bid farewell to Mishra by presenting him a memento and a bunch of flowers in a program organized at the police headquarters. He said that Mishra has made his own identity with his work and behavior during his service period. rajasthan police did many notable works during his tenure. While addressing the police officers present at his farewell ceremony, Mishra said that the police officers and soldiers have always provided him active support. With this cooperation he has got the opportunity to do some remarkable work.

These officers participated

According to police tradition, DGP Law and Order Rajiv Sharma, DGP Cyber Security Dr. ravi Prakash Mehra and Additional director General of police Rajesh Nirwan, hemant Priyadarshi, Sanjay Agarwal, Govind Gupta, Anil Paliwal, anand Srivastava, ashok Rathod, Malini Agarwal, Prashakha Mathur, Biju. George Joseph, Smita Srivastava, Vineeta Thakur, Sachin Mittal, Sanjeeb Narjhari, vishal Bansal, VK Singh, Hawa Singh Ghumaria, S Sengathir, Bipin Kumar Pandey, P Ramji, Bhupendra Sahu, including senior police officers, police personnel and staff posted at the police headquarters. Have also pulled the ropes.

Took VRS two days ago

Just two days ago, Umesh Mishra had asked for VRS from the post of DGP and he got it immediately. There are a lot of discussions regarding it in Rajasthan. After all, what was the reason that Umesh Mishra had to take VRS? Many of his old cases are also coming to light. As of now, he has been bid farewell today.

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