Recently after landing mahua moitra in trouble with his ‘cash-for-query’ complaint, advocate jai Anant Dehadrai has now accused the expelled lok sabha mp of carrying out ‘illegal surveillance on her ex-boyfriend’ with help from senior police officers in West Bengal. A report quoted a complaint by Dehadrai to the cbi and the home ministry alleging that Moitra had illegally obtained call detail records (CDR) of her ex-boyfriend after getting suspicious that he was having an affair with a German woman, a senior functionary of a social media giant.

“I was shocked to learn that Moitra, with the assistance of senior bengal police officers, had the entire CDR history of her ex-boyfriend in which she had precise information about the individuals who had been in contact with her ex-boyfriend as also the precise physical location of his phone for all hours of the day,” he said was quoted as saying. The report stated that Dehadrai attached screenshots of some chats and a purported CDR list with his complaint.

Meanwhile Moitra, responding to the fresh allegations and the demand for a cbi probe, urged the Ministry of home Affairs to set up a special director cbi to probe all complaints by “jilted exes pan-India”. “Happy to see Shahenshah of all Peeping Toms ccd on complaint. He honed his surveillance skills covering up for his Sahib in Gujarat. Can get to bottom of this as well. Good luck,” she was quoted. Dehadrai is said to be an estranged partner of Mahua Moitra. He reportedly also has a bitter feud running with the trinamool congress leader over the custody of their pet dog.

According to news agency Moitra had filed multiple police complaints against Dehadrai last year for alleged criminal trespass, theft, vulgar messages and abuse. In his latest complaint, Dehadrai further wrote that when he questioned her and voiced his disapproval, Moitra simply responded that she had certain rights as a Member of Parliament, including “keeping tabs on whoever she pleases”.

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