Samajwadi party chief and former UP cm akhilesh yadav has asked questions to PM narendra modi and cm yogi regarding their recent claims. akhilesh yadav has targeted bjp leaders and termed them as making empty claims. The SP Chief has sarcastically questioned PM Modi and the UP cm regarding the economy, construction of expressways and investment. On wednesday, akhilesh yadav posted on How many expressways did the people of delhi give to Uttar Pradesh? How much investment landed on the ground and how much production was generated from it and how many people got employment from it?
cm yogi made this claim regarding the economy
Uttar Pradesh chief minister yogi Adityanath claimed on wednesday itself that Uttar Pradesh has now become the number 2 economy from the 6th-7th economy of the country. It is poised to become the largest economy in the country with the highest growth rate. Unless Uttar Pradesh develops, india cannot establish new patterns of development. The path of development of india passes through Uttar Pradesh.
"Law and order improved in the state"
cm had also said that UP is the first state to provide ODOP, Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana and Pledge Park Scheme. Due to this, there has been a significant increase in MSME units in the state and today there are 96 lakh MSME units in the state. cm said that law and order has improved in the state. In such a situation, every person, sister-daughter, businessman and investor of the state is feeling safe. This is the reason why Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the best investment destination in the country.