Minister Udayanidhi stalin, who met prime minister Modi in delhi, called for the opening of the Gallo india Games in tamil Nadu. tamil Nadu youth Welfare and sports Development minister Udayanidhi stalin met prime minister Modi in delhi on thursday evening. He called to inaugurate the Gallo india youth Games to be held in tamil Nadu from january 19 to 31. stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin said that the prime minister has agreed to it.
This is the second time that stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin will meet PM Modi in Delhi. On february 28 last year, stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin met the prime minister and insisted on the demand that tamil Nadu should be exempted from the NEET examination. He also discussed issues related to sports. After meeting prime minister Modi on thursday, minister Udhayanidhi also met congress leaders Rahul gandhi and sonia Gandhi. Later speaking to the media, he said that it was a meeting of respect.
"Rahul gandhi talked about starting his Padayatra from Manipur soon. We exchanged mutual happiness," minister Udayanidhi said. Asked about the meeting of senior congress leaders in delhi on the same day, he said, "Rahul gandhi also spoke about it. But I cannot say anything about it now."
Meanwhile, stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin took to his twitter page and shared a photo of his meeting with the prime minister, saying, "Delighted to invite Hon'ble prime minister of india Mr. narendra modi today in New delhi for the opening ceremony of Gallo. indian youth Games to be held in chennai on 19th january 2024."
As per the request of tamil Nadu chief minister M. K. stalin, I have requested the prime minister of tamil Nadu to immediately provide the National Disaster Relief Fund for comprehensive relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the flood affected districts of tamil Nadu. . The prime minister promised to take necessary steps," the minister added.
Udhayanidhi said that he discussed with the prime minister about various matters of public importance in tamil Nadu, especially the multifaceted development of the sports sector in tamil Nadu. During the meeting, the prime minister was presented with a coffee table book showcasing the successful hosting of the 2023 cm Trophy Games and the Asian Men's hockey Championship hosted by tamil Nadu.
"Gelo india youth Games 2023 will be another promising opportunity to showcase tamil Nadu's enviable organizational prowess and illustrious history in the field of sports," he added.