Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) may have formed the government by registering a unilateral victory in the rajasthan assembly elections, but all eyes are still on the Karanpur assembly seat, where voting is taking place today i.e. on Friday. During the recently concluded assembly elections, elections were held only on 199 out of 200 seats in Rajasthan. elections for Karanpur assembly seat of Sri Ganganagar district were canceled due to the death of congress party candidate Gurmeet Singh Kunnar. After the election results came out, the date for elections in Karanpur was fixed as today i.e. 5th January. Kunnar was also the mla from this seat and due to prolonged illness, he died in delhi just before the elections.
The government will not be affected by victory or defeat, but fought for the reputation.
Winning or losing this one seat will neither have any impact on the bjp government nor will the congress get any benefit. However, this seat has still become a battle of prestige. Actually, Surendrapal Singh TT is bjp candidate from this seat. He has not even won the elections yet and bjp has given him a ministerial post in the Bhajanlal government. The politics of rajasthan has heated up regarding this. The opposition congress party has also approached the election commission regarding this step of BJP.
Congress played emotional card, made Gurmeet Kunnar's son its candidate
Whereas congress party has made Gurmeet Singh Kunnar's son Rupendra Kunnar its candidate from Karanpur seat. Former chief minister Ashok Gehlot himself started campaigning for Rupendra Kunnar. Actually congress is trying to win elections through sympathy. chief minister Ashok Gehlot has also appealed to the people of Karanpur to pay true tribute to Gurmeet Singh Kunnar by making Rupendra Kunnar victorious on this seat. Gehlot himself had participated in the nomination of Rupendra Kunnar, where a huge crowd had gathered.

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