The entire tamil film industry has gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of former chief minister Karunanidhi. All the party leaders and top screen celebrities in tamil Nadu have been invited to participate in this function. The entire tamil film industry has gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of former chief minister Karunanidhi. All the party leaders and top screen celebrities in tamil Nadu have been invited to participate in this function.
Similarly, invitations were given to leaders of Congress, Bharatiya Janata party, ADMK, Revival DMK, Communist of India, Marxist Communist, Liberation Tigers of India.
As this is a grand festival, elaborate arrangements are being made. Seats for 22,500 people are being prepared at the Kindy Race Course ground. The program is scheduled to start tomorrow at 4 pm and last for a total of six hours.
A total of 40 performances are planned for the 6-hour programme. There are also light and sound displays about the artist. Although the entry to the festival is free for the public, due to the presence of the chief minister, screen celebrities and political leaders, tickets are being distributed through cinema societies for security reasons.