He said that he has respect for the chief minister, jagan and minister Peddireddy, and he cannot forget their good deeds. He said that I spoke with the same right as a son asks a father at home. chittoor district Puthalapattu mla took a U-turn. He decided that he will remain in ycp and has no intention of changing. He said that he is at this level because of chief minister Jagan. He said that he has respect for the chief minister, jagan and minister Peddireddy, and he cannot forget their good deeds. He said that I spoke with the same right as a son asks a father at home.
Meanwhile, ycp mla MS Babu made sensational comments three days ago. He commented while talking to the media in chittoor that if money is given, the people of ipack will manipulate the results of the survey. He said that considering these surveys, chief minister jagan told him that he had no chance and should not expect a Puthalapattu ticket. He said that he had worked hard for his constituency but denying him a ticket was not the right decision.
He made controversial comments saying that ycp is doing injustice to Dalits. He expressed concern that changes are being made in the constituencies where Dalits are MLAs. There is opposition in many constituencies in tirupati district. They were severely accused of not changing them. They demanded to tell me what opposition there is against me that has come to light in the surveys.