BJP State President annamalai has said that half of tamil Nadu's debt can be cleared if the anti-corruption department raids the deed office. A meeting of bjp state executives was held at the marriage hall in Bandikovil area of Madurai. bjp state president annamalai participated in it. Later he told reporters that the transport workers' union will hold a strike on january 9. The demand of transport workers is justified.

DMK has destroyed the state transport corporation. We expect to get a result in the talks held by the state government on the 8th. Former Finance minister Palanivel Thiagarajan said that there is no possibility of going to the old pension scheme, and the problem has arisen because of the false promise of the DMK government. Jallikattu ground in madurai is built in a place that has nothing to do with the competition. Public and bull owners are not willing to go to the ground. DMK-Congress are responsible for Jallikattu ban. In this case, the public is protesting against naming the sports ground after Karunanidhi.

In the deed department it is bought separately as murthi piece. Crores of rupees go through brokers every day. The securities industry has turned into a money collection industry at its worst. Anti-bribery department daily raids on deed offices and brokers' houses can net crores of rupees. Half of tamil Nadu's debt can be paid off with that.

The 2024 parliamentary election is an election for Modi. people will laugh if you say that there is no one in tamil Nadu who is more qualified to be the prime ministerial candidate than Modi. We will form an alliance with whoever supports Modi in this election. indian Alliance is self-interested alliance, national democratic alliance is an alliance that supports Modi, whoever comes to accept Modi, let's have an alliance. Communists and Vishika leaders raise doubts about the judge in the Ponmudi case. They can join the DMK. Don't compare the DMK alliance with the BJP. This same Communist, Thirumavalavan has talked about the DMK. They are now bashing DMK.

Currently bjp is strong in tamil Nadu. I haven't met any alliance leader, never met, if they want support they will look to us. My job is to strengthen BJP. I do that job successfully. It is not my job to strengthen the other party. Like India, will the chief minister talk about the implementation of tax-wise schemes in tamil Nadu as well? Has the tamil Nadu government properly allocated funds to underdeveloped districts? Will they publish a report on district wise tax payments and implementation of schemes for tamil Nadu? Few districts in tamil Nadu lag behind Bihar.

Minister Thangam Thanaras inform about district wise tax collection. The Global Investor Meet will be held. How many investments have already gone to Dubai, japan and Singapore? They are doing drama like this for election. The deal is made by intimidation of existing investors.

Please tell me what are the investments of new companies without deceiving the people of tamil Nadu Government. Delayed arrival of AIIMS due to delay in handover of land to madurai AIIMS. Now the tender for madurai AIIMS job has started. Modi is the prime minister till 2024-not only 2038. How many of the 35 ministers in DMK are Tamils? Here people who came from Ongole are called Tamils. Born in gujarat and showing interest in tamil, Modi is definitely a Tamilian. Why not call him Tamil? Modi is a true Delta man who is implementing various projects for Delta. He said that wherever Modi contests in tamil Nadu, he will get a record victory.

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