rajasthan governor kalraj mishra met prime minister narendra modi in Jaipur. Although this meeting took place between persons holding constitutional posts, its political implications have also started being drawn in UP.

In fact, at the time of meeting prime minister narendra modi, governor kalraj mishra was accompanied by his son and bharatiya janata party leader amit Mishra. According to amit Mishra's insta profile, he is a member of the working committee of the bjp unit of UP. After this picture of the meeting surfaced, political heat has increased in UP also. According to information received from sources, bharatiya janata party may change its candidates on many seats. This picture has come to light amid discussions about changing the candidate. Experts believe that this picture of the meeting of kalraj mishra and his son amit with PM Modi is special in many ways. This picture is being seen in the context of the upcoming lok sabha elections.

raj bhavan of rajasthan also posted on social media site X regarding the meeting with PM. raj bhavan wrote- governor kalraj mishra specially met the prime minister of the country narendra modi at the raj bhavan rest house. On this occasion, a memento of the famous Meenakari art of rajasthan carved in the image of Lord Shri Ganesha, the symbol of auspiciousness, was presented to him.

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