As per report ncp Chief sharad pawar and Shiv Sena-UBT leader uddhav thackeray have not yet received the invitation for the consecration ceremony to be held in the ram temple. uddhav and his party leaders are continuously attacking bjp on the issue of ram mandir, whereas sharad pawar had recently said that when it is his destiny, he will go to ram Mandir. Both the parties are part of the india alliance.
Meanwhile uddhav thackeray is scheduled to visit Nashik on january 22. He will perform aarti on the banks of river Godavari and visit Kalaram temple that day. Actually, the next day on 23rd january is the birth anniversary of bala Saheb thackeray and Shiv Sena-UBT have decided to organize a camp in Nashik on that day.
However, party MP priyanka Chaturvedi had recently said in a conversation with the media that this is a matter of faith for shiv sena and the party is proud that it has fought the battle of Ayodhya. He said that the country knows what fight the party has fought for ram mandir since bala Saheb till now. He has also raised questions on Shiv Sena-UBT leader not getting invitation. In fact, till now information has come to light that congress and Samajwadi party have received invitation for pran Pratishtha program in ram temple. Both the parties have rejected this invitation. congress, a constituent of the india alliance, has rejected the invitation saying that it is a private event of bjp and RSS. Whereas congress has issued a public statement saying that mallikarjun Kharge and sonia gandhi will not attend this program. At the same time, Samajwadi party chief akhilesh yadav has rejected the invitation saying that he does not know the person who had come to invite him.