Ramlala's consecration program is to be held on january 22 in Ayodhya. Regarding which the administration is busy in war level preparations. Before this, there was a flurry of gifts in Ayodhya. chief minister yogi Adityanath's dream of developing ayodhya as a solar city is coming true. It is buzzing with milky colour. chief minister yogi Adityanath had announced to develop this ancient city as a solar city. UPNEDA is fully engaged to eliminate Ayodhya's dependence on electricity as a solar city. Under the guidance of yogi government, Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (U.P.N.R.E.D.A) is doing new experiments one after the other. In this series, the solar trees being planted in the parks are also now getting ready to scatter milky light.
Solar trees are being planted in parks
After the streets, major intersections, routes and ghats of ayodhya, now solar trees are being planted in the parks. At present, one kilowatt solar trees have been installed in 34 parks and two and a half kilowatt solar trees have been installed in eight parks. Apart from this, work is going on at a rapid pace at six locations of one kilowatt and 10 locations of two and a half kilowatts. Efforts have started to cover the parks of ayodhya with solar energy. At present 52 places in the city have been selected.
Two and a half kilowatt solar trees installed at 8 places
It was proposed to plant solar trees at 52 places in Ayodhya. Of these, solar trees of one kilo watt capacity have been installed in 34 parks. Work is underway at the remaining six locations. The remaining work is being done rapidly. Apart from this, there are plans to enrich 18 other places. Two and a half kilowatt solar trees are being installed here. These have been installed at eight places. Work is underway on the remainder.