Rashtriya Lok Dal mla and former minister from Bharatpur assembly of rajasthan, Dr. Subhash Garg reached Bharatpur today on a two-day visit. people in Bharatpur welcomed mla Dr. Subhash Garg and wished him happy Lohri festival and Makar Sankranti. While speaking, Dr. Subhash Garg fiercely attacked bjp regarding law and order in the state. He said that the law and order situation on which bjp used to discuss about our congress government has completely broken down. He alleged that incidents of murder, rape, robbery, theft and open firing in broad daylight are increasing in the entire state.

Former minister and mla Dr. Subhash Garg alleged that all the development works have been banned and tenders will not be held. Orders have also been issued and those orders have been put on hold, it seems development has come to a complete standstill, it seems the thing called government is not visible.Supported Jat reservation movement

 Former minister Dr. Garg, while supporting the massive protest being organized by Jat Aarakshan Sangharsh Samiti of Bharatpur-Dholpur on the delhi Mumbai Railway line from january 17, said that the Jats of Bharatpur-Dholpur should get the benefit of OBC reservation at the Centre. Needed. In the previous congress government, chief minister Ashok Gehlot has written letters to the central government several times that the Jats of Bharatpur-Dholpur should be given the benefit of OBC reservation at the Centre. He said that when all the Jats of rajasthan are getting the benefit of reservation, then what crime have the Jats of Bharatpur and Dholpur committed? He has again supported the Jat movement and demanded that the Jats of Bharatpur and Dholpur should get the benefit of OBC reservation at the Centre.

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