Perhaps under the call of prime minister Narendra Modi, cleanliness campaign has started across the country. Under this, cleanliness campaign is going on in Kota also. rajasthan Government's education and panchayati Raj minister madan Dilawar on monday conducted a cleanliness campaign at Shri gayatri Shaktipeeth located in his assembly constituency Ramganjmandi and cleaned the entire temple complex and washed the temple complex with water using a broom and mop. minister Dilawar said that on january 22, Lord Shri Ramchandra ji will sit in his newly built grand and divine temple. On this historic occasion, diwali will be celebrated across the country.

Apparently minister madan Dilawar said that on this occasion, the prime minister has requested for cleaning and decoration of all the temples and religious places of the country. In this sequence, more than 100 workers and local citizens of Ramganjmandi area, under the leadership of the cabinet minister, cleaned the entire temple complex by sweeping, washing and mopping. Dilawar cleaned for more than an hour and called upon the workers to clean all the temples. minister madan Dilawar called upon them to contribute significantly in making their cities clean by running similar cleanliness campaigns in their respective wards every month.

Dilawar said that the state government is spending a lot on the cleanliness system of the state. The smallest panchayat is being given Rs 5 lakh per year and the biggest panchayat is being given Rs 40 lakh per year, yet the expected results are not visible. He called upon the people of the state to come together and contribute in cleaning their area, so that our rajasthan becomes healthy and beautiful. On the festival of Makar Sankranti, education minister madan Dilawar performed aarti and worshiped Goddess cow in the cow shed located at Ramganjmandi, and then offered Chhappan Bhog to all the cows in the cow shed.

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