The two telugu states, andhra pradesh and telangana, currently have young Chief Ministers who have risen to power through struggles, jail terms, and political ambitions. jagan and revanth reddy, both belonging to the same social class, share several similarities, leading to frequent comparisons. Despite Jagan's four and a half years as cm, revanth reddy assumed the cm role in telangana, sparking discussions about the governance of the two Chief Ministers.

Jagan's administration in ap is noted for its extensive welfare schemes and direct cash transfers. Despite the implementation of numerous projects, there are criticisms that the party, YCP, is not garnering the expected political mileage. On the other hand, in telangana, revanth Reddy's decision to provide free bus travel for women has gained immense popularity, providing continuous publicity for the government.

While jagan is praised for his welfare initiatives, concerns are raised about the party's electoral strategy. Meanwhile, the free bus scheme in telangana has significantly elevated revanth Reddy's political standing. The effectiveness and mileage of these contrasting approaches remain subjects of public discussion, as jagan continues to focus on volunteer-driven projects in AP. As the elections approach, the political landscape in both states will likely witness further scrutiny and analysis.

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