As per report chief minister Eknath Shinde, industries minister uday Samant and a 10-member delegation left for the World Economic Forum in Davos on tuesday morning, where they are expected to sign 20 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) aimed at attracting investments worth Rs 2.5 lakh crore in Maharashtra. hopefully. Speaking to reporters, cm Shinde said, 'People and companies from all over the world will participate in WEF 2024 and thus it is a big opportunity for us.'

Perhaps "This is a big opportunity to showcase maharashtra at the international level," the maharashtra chief minister said today before leaving for Davos to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024. people from all over the world are coming to the World Economic Forum in Davos and Companies will be participating in WEF 2024, and thus this is a big opportunity for us."

Moreover cm Shinde said, I left today for the World Economic Conference to be held in Davos, switzerland from 15 to 19 January. Before this, he talked to the media regarding this tour. An MoU worth three lakh ten thousand crores will be signed through this conference. On this occasion, he also said that he will try his best to bring maximum investment in the state by discussing with ministers of other countries as well as big companies and financial institutions. The opposition's criticism regarding the Davos visit is completely baseless because there has been no wasteful expenditure in this visit and the details of every rupee spent will be brought before the general public. On this occasion, colleagues of the state government delegation visiting Davos were present.

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