As per report RJD mp Manoj Jha gave a big statement on thursday (January 18) regarding religion and politics. Manoj Jha attacked bjp giving the example of mahatma Gandhi. He said that in my eyes there is no greater Hindu than mahatma gandhi, the person who was shot but still left the world saying 'Hey Ram'. He never mixed politics and religion. Manoj Jha said, "Mahatma gandhi knew that religiosity turns into fanaticism in politics... Today there is no talk on employment in this country for many months. In 2014, PM Modi had come on the promise of employment, ram Not on the temple. They know they have failed and that is why they have tried to hide their failure from it."

Let us tell you that the consecration of ram temple is going to happen on 22nd January. bjp is busy campaigning in this regard across the country. It is believed that this will be the biggest issue for bjp in the upcoming lok sabha elections and bjp is preparing to cross the electoral boat on the issue of Hindutva. The opposition is continuously accusing bjp regarding ram Temple. Before Manoj Jha, many opposition leaders including Lalu prasad and congress have given statements that they will not go to the inauguration of ram Temple. Last Wednesday, Lalu prasad Yadav had also clearly said that he will not go to Ayodhya. Lalu's elder son Tej Pratap had said that Lord ram had come in his dream. He has said that he will not come to ayodhya on 22 January. So when ram ji will not stay in ayodhya then why will we go there.

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