Accordingly RJD mla and spokesperson Satish Kumar Das said that hypocrisy is being increased in the country. The country is not going to be benefited by dividing the intact and the destroyed. Satish Das reached Bodhgaya on monday (January 22). During this he attacked BJP. Said that yesterday (Sunday) the Grand Alliance government has started ram Janaki Medical college in Samastipur. In fact, this is dedication towards the people and development of the people. RJD mla said that our government is doubling the pay scale. bjp was distributing Rs 15 lakh each as a slogan. Now he is not satisfied with that, so now he is doing the work of distributing the intact material. He made a big claim and said that the public will answer this by teaching a lesson in the 2024 elections.
Meanwhile Satish Kumar Das said that today Ramlala's life is being consecrated in Ayodhya. Let us hope from today that there will be no unemployment in the country. india is ranked 111th out of 125 countries in the Hunger Index, it will come out of hunger and poverty. people who believe in ram want to get out of poverty and hunger and to provide employment to unemployed youth. It was said that the income of farmers will be doubled, now it should be doubled. MSP law should be made. There will be no injustice in the name of caste and religion, then there will be Ramrajya.
Moreover RJD mla further said that now the entire nda is going to kneel before nitish kumar and india Alliance. The scope of reservation has been expanded. This historic work has been done. Said that four and a half lakh people have been given the status of state employees, giriraj singh should answer that in the 2019 elections, the public gave 39 out of 40 seats, what did they give? What did you give in five years? Did you also give a factory? Did you provide employment to the people of Bihar? Just saying jai Shri ram is not going to help.