cm yogi adityanath has appealed to the VVIP guests coming to see Ramlala in the newly constructed ram temple in Ayodhya. He has said that you should inform about your arrival a week in advance. chief minister yogi adityanath has given instructions to make all necessary arrangements for a smooth, easy and satisfactory darshan of every devotee amidst the ocean of faith that has gathered in Ayodhyadham with the desire to have the darshan of Ramlala. After taking stock of the situation with the officials of Shri ram Janmabhoomi Trust and the local administration in ayodhya on Tuesday, the chief minister gave necessary directions to the government level officials on Wednesday.

cm said on social media site

He wrote - In view of the arrival of a large number of devotees from all over the country with the desire to have the darshan of their adored Lord Shri Ramlala, a week before making the program of arrival of very special / distinguished / dignitaries to ayodhya Dham, the local administration / Shri ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra It would be beneficial to inform the Trust or the State Government.

It is the duty of all of us to arrange facilities and easy darshan – CM

In a meeting, the cm said that a sea of faith could be seen in Ayodhyadham. Devotees are arriving from all over the country. Everyone wants the virtuous benefit of having the darshan of their adored Lord. The arrival of devotees in large numbers is natural. In such circumstances, it is the duty of all of us to make arrangements for the safety, convenience and easy darshan of every devotee. He said that crowd management should be done with better coordination between the local administration and the temple trust. Wherever there are pilgrims, stand in queues on ram Path, Bhakti Path, dharma Path and Janmabhoomi Path. There should not be crowd. The queue should keep moving. Pay special attention to the elderly/children/women. Respecting the sentiments of the visitors, ram Bhajan should be played in low tune on the major roads. The behavior of policemen deployed for security should be dignified.

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