Madhya Pradesh chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav reached Mahakaleshwar temple and offered prayers. Following the rules of Mahakaleshwar temple Committee, the chief minister had darshan at the doorstep itself. He did not enter the sanctum sanctorum. cm Mohan Yadav also inquired about the progress of Mahakaleshwar temple Expansion Plan. cm Mohan Yadav set out on a religious journey on wednesday (January 24). He offered prayers at many religious places in Ujjain. During this, he also took blessings of sages and saints.

When the chief minister reached Mahakaleshwar temple, he inquired about the progress of the work being done under the Mahakaleshwar temple Expansion Plan. During this, Mahakaleshwar temple Committee Chairman and collector Neeraj Kumar Singh and other officials were present. He also gave instructions to quickly complete the works being done under the expansion plan as per the convenience of the devotees. Instead of entering the sanctum sanctorum, chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav paid obeisance to Lord Mahakal by bowing his head from the door frame itself.

cm Mohan Yadav took blessings of saints

After paying obeisance to Lord Mahakal, pundits and priests performed his puja with chanting of mantras in cm Mohan Yadav's Nandi Hall. It is noteworthy that the Mahakaleshwar temple Management Committee has closed the entry of devotees into the sanctum sanctorum. Although many times VIPs do not follow this rule, but instead of worshiping in the sanctum sanctorum, chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav sat in the Nandi Hall and worshiped the Lord like ordinary devotees. Along with undertaking a religious pilgrimage, chief minister Mohan Yadav also left for ujjain on wednesday to seek the blessings of sages and saints. He went to the ashram situated at Dutt Khada Ghat and took the blessings of Sundarpuri Maharaj. After this, Mahamandaleshwar reached the ashram situated on Chintaman Marg to seek the blessings of acharya Shekhar. Saints also gave a warm welcome to chief minister Mohan Yadav.

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