Manoj Jarange Patil, a prominent activist demanding reservation for the maratha community, concluded his march to mumbai and initiated a hunger strike at azad Maidan to press for his demands. He had been walking from his village, Antarwali Charadi in Jalna, since january 20, and after reaching mumbai, engaged in talks with government representatives.

State education Minister deepak Kesarkar claimed that all of Jarange Patil's demands had been accepted. The government mentioned issuing Kunbi certificates to 37 lakh people and expressed hope for positive deliberations with Jarange Patil. Jarange Patil's primary demand was the issuance of Kunbi sub-caste certificates and the inclusion of the entire maratha community under the OBC category. 

The government's position is that reservation is limited to those already registered as Kunbis. A revised ordinance regarding Kunbi certificates is under consideration, and a law related to maratha reservation may be introduced in the special legislative session in February. The maharashtra State Commission for Backward Persons announced a survey from january 23 to 31 which  aims to correct past errors highlighted by the supreme court in the findings of the State Backward Persons Commission when maratha community reservation was canceled. 

This comprehensive survey involves enumerating about 2.5 crore families in the state within eight days. The government machinery is challenged to complete this task efficiently. Manoj Jarange Patil's journey has evolved into a massive state wide movement, gaining momentum in 2021, especially during the Corona disaster period. He has been a key figure in maratha reservation protests, uniting villages and drawing significant support in Jalna district and the Marathwada region.

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