There is going to be a political turmoil in Gorakhpur, UP. Samajwadi party has once again made Kajal Nishad its lok sabha candidate from Gorakhpur Sadar seat. On getting the ticket, the competition between mp ravi Kishan will be like that of actor versus actress. Kajal Nishad, with a plaster on her leg and a stick in her hand, was given a grand welcome at the SP office like a wedding procession. He said that amidst the beating of drums, the new SP Metropolitan President Bhai Shabbir has brought the wedding procession. Challenging bjp mp ravi Kishan, she said that she will send mumbai back home in the 2024 lok sabha elections.
Actor vs Actress on Gorakhpur seat
TV actress Kajal Nishad was given a grand welcome at the SP office in Bettiahata on Thursday. New Metropolitan President Shabbir Qureshi also reached the party office along with Kajal Nishad. The enthusiasm of the workers was also visible along with the senior officials. SP district President and other officials gave a grand welcome to 2024 lok sabha candidates Kajal Nishad and Shabbir Qureshi by garlanding them.
Kajal Nishad thanked SP National President and former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav for expressing his confidence. While challenging mp ravi Kishan, she said that she will send him back home to mumbai after bidding him farewell in this lok sabha elections. Shabbir Qureshi said that the top leadership has given a big responsibility by making him the metropolitan president.